Weather events that are happening today are due to global warming. Russia is having fires across the country. Monsoon season in Asia is predicted to have heavier rain and more hurricanes. Landslides from China and an iceberg of Greenland ice sheet are falling apart. As these weather events have been seen before, however may global warming causing the events to be worse? The increase of heat is being caused from greenhouse gases. As the world heats up the rainstorms of the summer will be heavier and in the winter the snowstorms will be bigger. 
The areas where it should be cold are warming up. The North Pole is already being affected. The arctic animals are having less territory to live on. The ice is melting and the oceans temperatures are colder and this results that in the Pacific Ocean it creates weather events like El Niño and La Niña. The animals in the arctic are the major group of animals that have been affected the most by global warming. One thinks how the greenhouse can affect up north when we are miles away.
In my case I will be included with those people that do not worry about the well being of the environment and species. After reading several articles on global warming I realized that it is getting worse. The last time I heard a lecture of global warming was in high school. I did not think much of it until now. All over the world, the climate has been changing and no one has an exact solution to prevent all of the weather events. All I hear is that the greenhouse effect is causing the atmosphere to warm up.

The example of the images may seem funny and yes it does bring a giggle when you see it. Even after one has seen the images, one starts to rethink what is going on with the world’s atmosphere. Scientists say that the greenhouse gases must be controlled; nevertheless there is no action upon this.
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